James & Vangie worked with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for 12 years. They’ve worked as missionaries in Kenya, Philippines, & Australia. They led Discipleship Training School, pioneered the School of Worship in Kenya, and led teams to the local churches both in Kenya & Australia. Before they left YWAM, they were in charge of the YWAM Training Centre in Athi River, Kenya.
When our commitment in YWAM ended in 2002, God put in our heart Isaiah 61:1-4 and we knew that Kisumu was the place to begin fulfilling this Scripture. Our passion is to evangelize through practical approaches & to disciple those whom we have evangelized. Since June 2005, we’ve been pioneering Good News Community Centre in Kisumu.
We thank the Lord for enabling the ministry to :
- provide 150 sheep/goats for widows
- 20 tin-roof huts built
- 3 water well
- 9 bee hives
- Veggies garden
- Sewing training / Jewelry making
- On-going Bible Study for Ouya ‘Blessing’ widow’s group
- Sixty Eight orphans are on regular sponsorship program: 4 in college, 3 in tech. training, 2 are waiting for college, 20 in secondary, and the rest are in primary schools; 3 already graduated in college and currently working
- GNCC purchased 4 acre land for school, vocational school, clinic, chapel, and boarding school for orphans.
- Started Good News Migwena Academy: 150 pupils and 11 staff
- Feeding programme.
- Through the ministry of Good News Community Centre, we rejoiced over 1600 people who had given their lives to the Lord.
- Good News Church has over 500 members, moved to its new property and built a structure. Good News produced 2 more churches (GNCC-Ouya and GNCC-Manyala)
- Farming – rice and maize
We are very grateful to The One and Only True Living God and to all our partners whom have been supporting us through prayers, moral and material support over the years which has contributed to the growth of the ministry to where it is now. God bless you all.
Please feel free to watch our 10 years anniversary of GNCC -2015: https://youtu.be/HysDNJol5X4